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Cloud Migration Engineer fr Luftverkehrsberwachungssystem wmd

2021-09-03 10:14:53| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Wir sind die erste Adresse in der europischen Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie fr softwarezentrierte Entwicklungslsungen. Wir verfgen ber 40 Jahre Erfahrung in einem Markt, in dem Vertrauen und Qualitt unabdingbar sind. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 400 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland gestalten wir die Zukunft der Luft und Raumfahrt und darber hinaus. Unsere Mitarbeiter spielen fr unseren Erfolg die wichtigste Rolle, durch ihre Qualifikation, Motivation, Begeisterung, ihren unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und ihren Sinn fr Zusammenarbeit in einem offenen internationalen Umfeld, in dem wir unsere Werte leben Vertrauen, Integritt, Beteiligung und Neugier. Wir haben uns dem Aufbau eines diversen Umfelds verschrieben und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, der Chancengleichheit bietet. Alle qualifizierten Bewerber werden gleichermaen, ohne Rcksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, nationale Herkunft, Genetik, Behinderung, Alter oder Veteranenstatus, bercksichtigt. Wir bieten eine Flle von Leistungen zur Untersttzung einer ausgewogenen WorkLifeBalance, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten und kontinuierliche Karriereentwicklung. Die Stelle Wir suchen SoftwareIngenieure, die ein Air Traffic Control ATC Projekt unseres Kunden, der Deutschen Flugsicherung DFS, in die Cloud migrieren. Bei diesem Projekt handelt es sich um ein Luftraumberwachungssystem, das bereits an mehreren Kundenstandorten im Einsatz ist. Neben der Migration der bestehenden Funktionalitt sollen auch neue CloudMechanismen entwickelt werden. In diesem Job kannst Du Dich einbringen, etwas beitragen, Dein Gehirn benutzen und selbst kreativ sein! Die Position ist Vollzeit, unbefristet und bei unserem Kunden DFS in Langen Nhe Frankfurt, Deutschland Qualifikationen Berufserfahrung Ein Hochschulabschluss in Luft und Raumfahrttechnik, Informatik, Mathematik oder Physik Fundierte Erfahrung mit Cloudbasierten Anwendungen Erforderliche technische Fhigkeiten Kafka ist ein absolutes Muss Kenntnisse des ProtobufAustauschformats sind fr diese Rolle erforderlich Du solltest auch Prometheus Kenntnisse mitbringen, dieses Toolkit wird fr Monitoring und Alerts verwendet Das Versionskontrollsystem git wird eingesetzt Das Projekt nutzt die Ticketing Systeme Jira und Trac Gute Beherrschung der englischen und deutschen Sprache Wnschenswerte Kenntnisse Die erfolgreichen Bewerber verfgen idealerweise ber Kenntnisse von Jenkins und Nexus Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Software, die hochgradig konfigurierbar ist, wre toll, da diese Systeme fr verschiedene KundenStandorte eingesetzt werden Du solltest in der Lage sein, in Eigenverantwortung und selbststndig zu arbeiten Was wir bieten Work Life Balance Flexible Arbeitszeiten, HomeOffice, Sabbatical Auszeit fr eine Weltreise, verlngerte Elternzeit, Weiterbildung, etc., Mglichkeit auf Teilzeit Finanzielle Leistung Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, NettoLohnOptimierung und IT Fahrrad Leasing, Vergnstigtes Jahresticket fr den ffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ArbeitgeberDarlehen, etc. MitarbeiterEmpfehlungsprogramm Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns bei der Gewinnung neue Mitarbeiter untersttzen. Sie erhalten eine Prmie von 1.500 EUR bis 3.000 EUR pro erfolgreicher Empfehlung Untersttzung beim Umzug Finanzielle Umzugspauschale und Untersttzung bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnung oder auch nach einer Schule bzw. eines Kindergartens fr deine Kinder und vieles mehr. Sogar bei der Suche nach einem Job fr ihren Partnerin. Berufliche Weiterentwicklung Weiterbildung und Training sind dabei fr uns ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Personalfhrung, denn nur so erreichen wir unser Ziel eine langjhrige und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen. Mchten Sie ihren Ttigkeitsschwerpunkt wechseln und andere Projekten oder sich geographisch verndern? Auch hier untersttzen wir Sie. Firmenveranstaltungen und aktivitten SommerBBQs, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch TGIFs Thank God Its Friday. Darber hinaus veranstalten wir weitere TeambuildingEvents und interne Abteilungsfeiern, die den Teamgeist frdern. Sie haben kreative Ideen fr Firmenveranstaltungen oder neue Initiativen, sei es knstlerischer oder technischer Natur? Dann lassen Sie uns diese wissen. Bewerbung Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann senden Sie uns ihre Bewerbung. Der Ansprechpartner fr diese Stelle ist Raphael Rossato.

Tags: engineer cloud migration wmd


Mechanisms and Robotics Engineer mfd

2021-09-02 11:13:38| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

For permanent employment the Mechanism Products department at OHB System AG in Oberpfaffenhofen is looking for a Mechanisms and Robotics Engineer mfd Your Tasks Analyse technical specifications and develop design concepts for demanding robotic systems, mechanisms and control systems to be to be operated in space environment Take part in the flowdown of technical requirements and budgets from higherlevel specifications to mechatronic and robotic subsystems Support the definition and specification of interfaces, generate interface control documents Carry out design tradeoffs in cooperation with Systems Engineering and other technical disciplines Optics, Mechanical, Structural, Thermal and Electrical Engineering Select mechanical and mechatronic components actuators, sensors etc. Take part in development and design of robotic and mechatronic systems and control hard and software Contribute to planning and execution of development to support tradeoffs and verify designconcepts Continuously monitor compliance to technical requirements, budgets and specifications throughout the development process Take part in planning of manufacturing, assembly and testing MAIT of robotic and mechatronic systems Prepare, issue and maintain requirement specifications for subcontractors Evaluate subcontractor proposals Identify, select and monitor external subcontractors Plan and implement design reviews Prepare technical documentation design and tradeoff reports, test reports Report to the Customer and to the project team Your Qualifications Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Robotics or Mechatronics Profound knowledge of dynamic systems including control theory and control systems Experience in the development and design of mechanisms, robotic systems or control systems Experience in the application of relevant design and quality guidelines ECSSE and Q Standards Fluent in English reading and writing Organised, structured and targetoriented task approach Team player with excellent communication skills An Advantage would be Experience in design and development of scientific instruments for space missions or for similar applications e.g. groundbased astronomy, optical instruments, robotics Experience in management and monitoring of subcontractors Additional qualification in skilled crafts, e.g. as Precision or Industrial Mechanic Expertise in Vacuum andor SpaceTribology Experience with relevant design and quality guidelines and standards ECSSE and Q

Tags: engineer mechanisms robotics mfd


Software Engineer wmd fr ATC Systeme Planung, Monitoring

2021-09-02 09:12:12| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Wir sind die erste Adresse in der europischen Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie fr softwarezentrierte Entwicklungslsungen. Wir verfgen ber 40 Jahre Erfahrung in einem Markt, in dem Vertrauen und Qualitt unabdingbar sind. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 400 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland gestalten wir die Zukunft der Luft und Raumfahrt und darber hinaus. Unsere Mitarbeiter spielen fr unseren Erfolg die wichtigste Rolle, durch ihre Qualifikation, Motivation, Begeisterung, ihren unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und ihren Sinn fr Zusammenarbeit in einem offenen internationalen Umfeld, in dem wir unsere Werte leben Vertrauen, Integritt, Beteiligung und Neugier. Wir haben uns dem Aufbau eines diversen Umfelds verschrieben und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, der Chancengleichheit bietet. Alle qualifizierten Bewerber werden gleichermaen, ohne Rcksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, nationale Herkunft, Genetik, Behinderung, Alter oder Veteranenstatus, bercksichtigt. Wir bieten eine Flle von Leistungen zur Untersttzung einer ausgewogenen WorkLifeBalance, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten und kontinuierliche Karriereentwicklung. Die Stelle Wir suchen C SoftwareIngenieure fr die Entwicklung von Lsungen fr Air Traffic Control ATC Projekte, die von unserem Kunden, der Deutschen Flugsicherung DFS, eingesetzt werden. Bei dem einen Projekt handelt es sich um ein PlanungsSystem, bei dem anderen um ein MonitoringSystem. Beide sind bereits an vielen Kundenstandorten im Einsatz. Du arbeitest in einem Team, das aus Entwicklern und Testern besteht, und nimmst am gesamten Softwareentwicklungszyklus teil. In diesem Job kannst Du Dich einbringen, etwas beitragen, Dein Gehirn benutzen und selbst kreativ sein! Qualifikationen Berufserfahrung Ein Hochschulabschluss in Luft und Raumfahrttechnik, Informatik, Mathematik oder Physik Fundierte Kenntnisse in C Erforderliche technische Fhigkeiten GNU C ist ein absolutes Muss Qt5 Erfahrung unerlsslich, da dies die Basis der HMI bildet Zustzlich solltest Du Erfahrung mit gdb, STDLib, C Sanitiser Tools haben Was wir brauchen sind Ingenieure, die Python, Bash und JSON beherrschen Das Versionskontrollsystem git wird eingesetzt Das Projekt macht Gebrauch von den Ticketing Systemen Jira und Trac Gute Kenntnisse der englischen und deutschen Sprache Wnschenswerte Kenntnisse Kenntnisse ber Planungsalgorithmen wren von Vorteil Erfahrung im Design von Software, die hoch konfigurierbar ist, wre toll, da die Systeminfrastruktur fr verschiedene KundenStandorte eingesetzt wird Du solltest in der Lage sein, in Eigenverantwortung und selbstndig zu arbeiten Was wir bieten Work Life Balance Flexible Arbeitszeiten, HomeOffice, Sabbatical Auszeit fr eine Weltreise, verlngerte Elternzeit, Weiterbildung, etc., Mglichkeit zur Teilzeitarbeit Finanzielle Leistungen Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, NettoLohnOptimierung und IT Fahrrad Leasing, Vergnstigtes Jahresticket fr den ffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ArbeitgeberDarlehen, etc. MitarbeiterEmpfehlungsprogramm Wir freuen uns, wenn Ihr uns bei der Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter untersttzt. Fr jede erfolgreiche Empfehlung erhltst Du eine Prmie von 1.500 EUR bis 3.000 EUR Untersttzung beim Umzug Finanzielle Umzugspauschale und Untersttzung bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnung oder auch nach einer Schule bzw. eines Kindergartens fr Deine Kinder und vieles mehr. Sogar bei der Suche nach einem Job fr Deinen Partnerin. Berufliche Weiterentwicklung Weiterbildung und Training sind dabei fr uns ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Personalfhrung, denn nur so erreichen wir unser Ziel eine langjhrige und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Dir. Du mchtest Deinen Ttigkeitsschwerpunkt wechseln und an anderen Projekten arbeiten oder Dich geographisch verndern? Auch hier untersttzen wir Dich. Firmenveranstaltungen und aktivitten SommerBBQs, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch TGIFs Thank God Its Friday. Darber hinaus veranstalten wir TeambuildingEvents und interne Abteilungsfeiern, zur Frderung des Teamgeistes. Du hast eigene, kreative Ideen fr Firmenveranstaltungen oder neue Initiativen, sei es knstlerischer oder technischer Natur? Dann teile uns diese gerne mit. Bewerbung Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann sende uns Deine Bewerbung. Der Ansprechpartner fr diese Stelle ist Raphael Rossato. Unsere Mailserver verwenden ein AntispamModul, das regelmig globale SpamListen prft. Wenn Du uns keine EMail senden kannst, kann dies daran liegen, dass der Mailserver Deines MailProviders in einer dieser Listen aufgefhrt ist. Wir empfehlen Dir daher, unser Bewerbungsformular unter httpswww.telespazio.dejobs zu nutzen.

Tags: software monitoring engineer systeme


Network Engineer Galileo, SCCF

2021-09-01 23:13:26| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

For our customer, the European Space Agency ESA, we are seeking an experienced Network Engineer to work at ESAs ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Responsibilities You will be assigned to ESAESTECs Galileo project, specifically the Ground Control Segment Management Unit within the Directorate of the Galileo Programme and NavigationRelated Activities. Reporting to head of the unit, you will act as Galileo Control Segment Network Support Engineer responsible for ensuring the correct implementation of the Galileo Ground Control Segment GCS developments in the area of Networks with detailed tasks as below. Task 1 Be responsible of supporting and following up the procurement carried out by the Ground Control Segment GCS Prime industrial contractor for the Network elements, such as the Satellite Constellation Control Facility SCCF CCCF element Ensuring from a technical point of view that the element is correctly implemented, tested, delivered, and verified, such that it is acceptable for integration into the GCS and meets the overall ESA requirements The followup of GCS design activities at segment level architecture, performances, security. The followup of GCS Assembly, Integration and Validation AIV activities. The contribution to the definition of the operations related to the GCS. Ensuring that the procurement process, in particular every review milestone, is carried out in accordance with the element SOW and any specific rules defined in agreed GCS Prime Organizational Notes. Resolving directly with the GCS Prime all minor technical and programmatic problems, including the management of Evolution Maintenance Requests, covering enhancements requested by the Operations team. In all activities, maintain a constant awareness of the cost and schedule impact of any decisions made, carefully trading off the benefits to the mission against any possible delays and additional costs for topics related to Networks. Task 2 Interface with other areas of the project on Network related topics such as the aforementioned SCCF Support and interactions with other areas of the project systems, space segment, operations, GMS, Security for the provision of expertise related to GCS interfaces and functionality for the topics related to Networks and cybersecurity. In particular, interactions with the Systems team, especially for the following system integration aspects Review of system integration test procedures, test data, RVMs, VCDs Provision of GCS interface verification status information Updates DCPs, DCNs for external ICDs Support to the EB UNCLA when required and main point of contact for the EB CLA Participating actively in the Networks Change Request and Anomaly Review Boards. Task 3 Support the preparation of G2G Procurement actions in the area of Networks Support the G2G procurement activities related to the GCS aspects and extended to other areas as required. Contribution to the definition of the Ground Segment requirements. Technical management of study contracts placed with European industry, including technical followup of industrial teams as required. Follow up of Phase B0 and preparation of Phase B1. Evaluation of proposals and support to reviews. Task 4 Report on progress and status of the development and other activities to the Head of Galileo G1 GCS Management Service Informing the GCS Technical Manager of any major technical and programmatic problem having cost and schedule impact. Regularly reporting on the status of the Networks development within GCS. Regularly reporting on the followup of G2G developments. This is a fulltime position located at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The requested start of work is January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. Qualifications Competencies The successful candidate shall have A Masters degree in IT, Computer Networking, or related subject. At least 4 years of relevant professional work experience, including a background in space operations engineering andor ground segment engineering. Knowledge of IT technology including virtualization and Networks. Knowledge and experience of the design and performance of satellite communications systems. Knowledge and experience of Satellite Control and Monitoring Systems including its operations, architecture, and implementation. Knowledge of the development, test and verification as well as deployment of satellite ground segments. Good knowledge of MS office tools. Desirable Prior knowledge and experience in GNSS Systems, Galileo experience is an asset. Experience in procurement of industrial activities. Soft skills Full command of English language oral and written. Autonomy in writing minutes of meetings, technical notes, specifications and reports. Good interpersonal skills and team spirit. Previous working experience in a multinational environment. Excellent organizational skills, good practical sense, being able to work effectively in a team and be able to work autonomously in the field of responsibility. Availability and willingness to travel for missions inside or outside Europe Note Candidate are required to be eligible for national personal security clearance as relevant to ESA NAV programmes. What can Terma Offer? At Terma, we consider skilled employees, enthusiasm and job satisfaction as the very foundation of our success and as a prerequisite for the development of the bestinclass solutions that Terma provides. We lead the way in applying new technology, offering a wide range of growth opportunities for each individual and emphasizing mutual respect across the board in our workplace. Terma offers you a pleasant working environment at the customer site, where you will be able to take on challenging tasks and responsibilities in a highly professional company. Great opportunities for training and personal development Challenges in advanced technical environment International and cosmopolitan working atmosphere An employment contract with an attractive package with extralegal benefits Highly competitive salary Support on relocation if applicable Recruitment is depending on successful selection by the customer. Additional information To ensure that your application will reach us and is properly processed please apply through the Apply link below. Include an uptodate Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter highlighting your background and expertise as well as earliest date of availability. For further information, please contact Mr. Simon Mills by telephone 31 6 2326 2398 or by email recruitment.nlterma.com. Closing date September 26th 2021 Please note the following Legal Security requirements Applicants must hold all appropriate permits to work in the EU. Applicants are required to provide a copy of their IDpassport and degreehigher education certificate. Terma will validate the certificate with the issuing authority. In line with ESA security requirements, an official Certificate of Good Conduct or equivalent and employment reference checks will be required at commencement of employment. Please attach a copy of any reference letters with your application if you have them. Privacy Notice By submitting your job application you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Notice, including Termas Privacy Policy as referenced below and are providing your consent to Termas storage and processing of your personal data accordingly. This Privacy Notice covers any personal data you submit to Terma for the recruiting process, including e.g. Your name, contact details and application status Information included in your CV or cover letter, such as job history, academic background, skills and competencies, personal interests, languages spoken, and your photo Job preferences and type of employment sought Names and contact details for references Please visit our Privacy Policy at www.terma.com. Here you will find additional information about our compliance with GDPR, how we use and protect your data, as well as information about your rights pursuant to GDPR. You will also find information who to contact at Terma in case you want to exercise these rights Application deadline 26. September 2021

Tags: network engineer galileo network engineer


Requirements Test Engineer mwd

2021-09-01 15:14:01| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

We are the first choice European aerospace company for software centric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 400 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role for our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced work life balance, including but not limited to flexible working hours, mobile working and ongoing career development. The Position We are looking for a Requirements Engineer to work on a programme to develop a digital platform for UTM Unmanned Traffic Management. You will develop and document the requirements for both a new mapping tool and a knowledge base. To do this, you will familiarise yourself with the subject matter and provide clarification where necessary. You will work closely with external partners, regulatory authorities and the internal team. In addition, you will create test procedures and conduct acceptance tests. The position is based in Langen Frankfurt am Main area. We are looking forward to meeting you! QualificationsExperience Proven requirements engineering skills, including the execution of tests and acceptance tests. You should have acquired your experience in complex webbased IT projects. Essential Skills Good IT skills in webbased software with some website development, as you will contribute to setting up a web presence. Knowledge of cloud environments Knowledge of CMS IONAS 4. Desirable Skills Fluent in German mother tongue or C2 level and English B2 or higher. Compliance with standards and guidelines including quality standards and proposing changes when necessary are familiar to you. Knowledge of air traffic regulations LuftVO, knowledge of UTM systems and knowledge of accessibility standards for IT applications. You should be able to participate in project planning and reporting, identify priorities and conflicts, and manage the software development process. All team members shall be responsible for the production of high quality documentation An ability to resolve conflicts, persuade and moderate discussions is essential as is the ability to think analytically. The successful candidate must be selfconfident and have a high sense of responsibility. Your Benefits of joining us Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato. We would be glad to hear your feedback about the quality of the above job description, under this Form Candidate Experience it is anonymous and takes less than two minutes. Our mail servers are using an antispam module that regularly checks global spam lists. If you are not able to send us an email, it might be because the mail server of your mail provider is listed on one of these lists. We therefore recommend you to use our application form at httpswww.telespazio.dejobs

Tags: test requirements engineer test engineer


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