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2015-03-02 15:05:37| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

TASKS The consultant shall provide engineering support to the EPSSG Ground Segment Data processing team in the frame of the EPSSG Preparatory Programme, as well as to the Operations department in the frame of maintenance and evolution of the EPS data processing systems of our client. Support shall be provided for the following tasks among others Requirements engineering in DOORS for EPSSG data processing requirements review, specification and refinement of existing requirements, their uptraces to parent Ground Segment specifications, justifications and verification methods Ensure coherency of requirements with algorithms specifications Definition of ICDs between data processing elements and other GS functions Definition of Testing and Operational scenarios for data processing elements Definition of data processing concepts and tradeoffs to support requirements understanding and justification Support the procurement of data processing elements by advising on technical solutions proposed by the contractor and by reviewing documentation to confirm its compliance with the requirements Support management of the requirements baseline for data processing elements Support refinement of ICDs. PROFILE The consultant shall have University degree or equivalent in the engineering, physics, or software or similar domains Experience in preparation of requirements, design, interfaces and testing documentation for data processing systems for Earth Observation missions Experience with L1L2 processing software for Earth Observation missions, either for operationsmaintenance or specification and development Knowledge of the requirements engineering process, including relation between requirements, ICDs, design and testing documentation Ability to learn and develop the needed skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of EPSSG. This includes the ability to rapidly absorb, and make use of, information presented in written and oral communications in a dynamic context Willingness to work within a multidisciplinary context in cooperation with other teams The ability to maintain a system overview is essential. Heshe shall have a systematic approach to work, be able to plan their work and to cope with tight schedules and multiple tasks. Heshe shall have the capability to write accurate and consistent technical documentation Fluency in English. Previous experience and knowledge in any of the following areas will be considered an additional asset Knowledge of the IBM DOORS tool or an equivalent for requirements management Knowledge of ECSS and CCSDS standards. WORKING PLACE Our client premises in Germany. Close Date 06042015

Tags: support data systems applications


Consultancy Support Storage Systems Engineer

2015-02-27 16:06:43| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

ACS is looking for a consultancy support for a Storage Systems Engineer. The Key person shall work in the TSS Department as a member of the Competence Area for Computer and Storage CSM in the Generic Systems and Infrastructure Division GSI supporting programs and routine operations. ACS has more than 30 years experience in delivering solutions for Earth Observation satellites Ground Segments. Based in Rome, Italy and in Darmstadt, Germany, we delivered systems currently in operation in 20 countries worldwide and have a long record of successful projects carried out for ESA, EUMETSAT, EMSA and many other Space Agencies and Research Centres. ACS recently established German subsidiary ACSD aims at better serving our customers based in Darmstadt area. ACS offers pleasant, international working environment at customer site very competitive salary attractive benefit package tailored on specific exigencies training and personal growth within ACS group, full support from a high technology company for relocation to Darmstadt. As a member of a Computer and Storage Management Team, the Key Person shall provide support to the development and maintenance of storage systems with special focus on archive and retrieval services. The duties include the administration and operation of the central archive systems, maintenance of the external storage, inventory and support to the operation of the storage services. The Key person shall perform the following tasks monitoring of the facility services, storage, backup and archive performance, investigation into HW and SW problems and performance of the relevant corrective actions ensuring that in case of HW or SW failures the operational configuration can be restored, including the definition and maintenance of backuparchive procedures liaison with the external providers of HW and SW maintenance for the request and follow up of maintenance interventions analysis, planning and performance of HW and SW upgrades or reconfigurations, taking care of compatibility issues between storage subsystems implementation and maintenance of scripts andor procedures where applicable for the automated andor controlled execution of the above activities, generation or update of associated technical documentation provision of support to design future evolution of the facility to accommodate the requirements of current and future programs, generation and maintenance of associated documentation provision of standbyoncall support provision of support, as required, to critical operations. In addition to having a university degree or equivalent, the Key person shall have minimum of 5 years experience in the administration and troubleshooting of distributed storage systems. The experience should have been made in an operational or production environment, characterized by custom applications in addition to standard software, running both on the client and server side, and based on high availability requirements. Technical skills, experience knowledge The Key person shall have an expert knowledge and an extensive work experience in the Storage solutions, Storage Area Networks SAN, BackupArchive technologies and should have demonstrated experience, to the extent required by the performance of the above tasks, with the design and implementation of the following highly available system and software environments SAN topology, managing Brocade or equivalent Directors and departmental switches Storage virtualization solutions EMC VPLEX or equivalent serving many different types of storage client platforms Enterprise and Departmental storage solutions EMC VMAX, HDS or equivalent file, block or object base Big Data storage solutions Automation of storage services provision, Cloud Storage, Data Analytics Generation and maintenance of technical documentation in English Furthermore, it would be a distinct advantage for the Key Person to have experience with the following Implementation of archive solutions using Hierarchical Storage Management HSM system SAMFS or equivalent High end, automated, tape library systems StorageTek SL8500 series with ACSLS software Implementation of backup and recovery solutions Symantec Netbackup or equivalent SystemService Monitoring using Nagios framework The variety of the tasks and the scope of the systems to be supported require a high degree of autonomy and good analytical skills. The Key person shall prepare, coordinate and communicate in advance and in detail critical activities, to be shared for review and approval prior to the actual execution of the work. The Key person shall be able to conduct all activities in an orderly and disciplined manner, shall be able to work in a team and share expertise and experience with other team members, and shall be able to work calmly and correctly under stress. The working language for the position is English and therefore the key person must be able to work effectively in this language. Mandatory EU national or valid work permit for Germany CV in Europass format

Tags: support systems storage engineer


Consultancy Support for EPSSG EndtoEnd Instrument Processing Chains System Architect

2015-02-27 16:06:43| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

ACS is looking for a consultant to support the EPSSG EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation Programme at EUMETSAT. The focus of the work is on endtoend instrument chains, from acquisition of signals by instruments on board the satellites up to dissemination of derived products to End Users by the ground segment. The selected keyperson would be involved in tasks such as specifications of onground data processing chains, definition of their interfaces, definition of space to ground data flows, verification and validation of onground data processing chains for imaging and sounding instruments. ACS has more than 30 years experience in delivering solutions for Earth Observation satellites Ground Segments. Based in Rome, Italy and in Darmstadt, Germany, we delivered systems currently in operation in 20 countries worldwide and have a long record of successful projects carried out for ESA, EUMETSAT, EMSA and many other Space Agencies and Research Centres. ACS recently established German subsidiary ACSD aims at better serving our customers based in Darmstadt area. ACS offers pleasant, international working environment at customer site very competitive salary attractive benefit package tailored on specific exigencies training and personal growth within ACS group, full support from a high technology company for relocation to Darmstadt. The activities to be followed up are in the following areas Refinement and maintenance of the System Requirements Document when dealing with instrument data processing chains, including analysis of the system design, requirements tracing and justification Definition of ground segment requirements and concepts related to instrument data processing chains specifically definition of the operational processors, from level 0 up to level 2 Definition and maintenance of the processing specifications Product Generation Specifications PGSs, Product Format Specifications PFSs and Auxiliary Data Specifications ADS Development of reference processors that implement the functionalities defined in the processing specifications Development of the operational processors and of the related processing framework Definition of the approach for development, verification and validation VV of the instrument data processing chains, including definition of testing concepts, test scenarios and test data sets Verification, integration and acceptance of the instrument data processing chains, specifically the operational processors, including generation of test data sets and development of test tools Maintenance and refinement of EndtoEnd E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements allocation and budgeting performed by space segment and instrument providers, specifically when dealing with instrument data processing. Typical activities to be undertaken by the consultant are Perform analyses to ensure completeness and coherence of the System and subsystem design for all aspects related to data processing and contribute as needed to the System Design Justification Document Analyse ground segment requirements related to instrument data processing chains and their implications on the system architecture and design report about inconsistencies and follow up resolution of noncompliances Ensure that the operational processors which are developed as part of the EPSSG Ground Segment are consistent with the EPSSG System architecture and able to meet the EPSSG system requirements specifically E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements and timeliness requirements provide reporting about inconsistencies and noncompliances Review and contribute to the preparation of the processing specifications Product Generation Specifications PGSs, Product Format Specifications PFSs and Auxiliary Data Specifications ADS to confirm and ensure their consistency with the System requirements Review space segment and instrument documents e.g. S2GICD, Instrument ICDs, APIDsVCIDs allocation to identify implications for the System when related to instrument data processing review of instrument data processing algorithms and calibration concepts defined by industry with emphasis on their implications on data processing interfaces and architecture Review ground segment documentation dealing with requirements, design and technical analyses of relevance for data processing to ensure consistency with system requirements and design Assess implications ofcontributions by the data processing chains to EndtoEnd E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements and contribute to the compilation of E2E performance budgets any noncompliances with the EPSSG System E2E performance requirements need to be identified and resolved Participate in formal reviews and technical meetings at system, space segment and ground segment level when relevant for instrument data processing Prepare documentation for System reviews Coordinate interdisciplinary meetings relevant for instrument data processing chains Support studies internal or external and the evaluation of their results when relevant for instrument data processing. The keyperson shall have the following experience and background University degree in the domain of engineering, science, or equivalent At least 5 years of experience in engineering of onground data processing elements, including requirements specification, architecture and detailed design, definition of interfaces and testing concepts for spaceborne observing systems as imaging andor sounding instruments Demonstrated ability to perform analyses of a System combined space and ground segment top down and to perform syntheses. The following experience would be an additional asset Experience in verifying and validating complex realtime data processing systems for spaceborne observing systems as imaging andor sounding instruments Experience in specification, development andor procurement of instrument test data sets and processor prototypes for spaceborne observing systems as imaging andor sounding instruments Knowledge of relevant spaceborne observation instruments EPSSG satellites will embark sounders and imagers from the ultraviolet to the microwave range, a scatterometer and a radiooccultation instrument Mission performance analysis, budgeting and verification for spaceborne observing systems as imaging andor sounding instruments Experience in specification of operational products for earth observation missions The keyperson shall be able to fulfil the assigned tasks with a minimum of supervision, have a systematic approach to work, be able to plan hisher work and cope with tight schedules and multiple tasks. Heshe shall have the capability to write accurate and consistent technical documentation. The working language for the position is English and therefore the keyperson must be able to work effectively in this language. Mandatory EU national or valid work permit for Germany CV in Europass format

Tags: support system processing instrument


Consultancy Support for EPSSG EndtoEnd Instrument Processing Chains Performance Engineer

2015-02-27 16:06:43| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

ACS is looking for a consultant to support the EPSSG EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation Programme at EUMETSAT. The focus of the work is on endtoend instrument chains, from acquisition of signals by instruments on board the satellites up to dissemination of derived products to End Users by the ground segment. The selected keyperson would be involved in tasks such as mission performance allocations and budgeting, processing chain specification, approach for instrument calibration and product validation. ACS has more than 30 years experience in delivering solutions for Earth Observation satellites Ground Segments. Based in Rome, Italy and in Darmstadt, Germany, we delivered systems currently in operation in 20 countries worldwide and have a long record of successful projects carried out for ESA, EUMETSAT, EMSA and many other Space Agencies and Research Centres. ACS recently established German subsidiary ACSD aims at better serving our customers based in Darmstadt area. ACS offers pleasant, international working environment at customer site very competitive salary attractive benefit package tailored on specific exigencies training and personal growth within ACS group, full support from a high technology company for relocation to Darmstadt. The activities for the selected keyperson will be related to overall System aspects for endto end instrument functional chains, i.e. involving the space segment satellites as well as the ground segment, the latter consisting of the data acquisition systems, monitoring and control systems, data processing chains and product dissemination facilities.In the frame of endtoend instrument chain activities, the keyperson will be part of the EPSSG System team and provide support for tasks related to mission performance allocations and budgeting, definition and specification of scientific algorithms for geolocation, radiometric correction and spectral calibration, definition of the approach for instrument calibration and product validation, specification of enduser products for imaging and sounding instruments. The activities to be followed up are in the following areas Development of the algorithms specifications Algorithms Theoretical Baseline Document ATBD, Detailed Processing Model DPM and processing specifications Product Generation Specifications PGSs, Product Format Specifications PFSs and Auxiliary Data Specifications ADS Development of reference processors that implement the functionalities defined in the processing and algorithms specifications, including verification of the EndtoEnd E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements Development of the operational processors with emphasis on the implementation of the processing algorithms and their compatibility with EndtoEnd E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements Preparation of Instrument CalibrationValidation plans, including the definition of the approach for validation of the Level 1 and Level 2 products and of any related algorithms Development of the calibration, validation and offline monitoring facilities EndtoEnd E2E performance requirement spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements allocation and budgeting performed by space segment and instrument providers, specifically when dealing with processing algorithms. Typical activities to be undertaken by the consultant are Contribute to the consolidation and maintenance of the system requirements relevant for the development of the EPSSG enduser products, including tracing to enduser requirements and tracking of the status of compliance any incompatibilities to the EPSSG System requirement baseline need to be identified and resolved Confirm that the operational processors which are developed as part of the EPSSG ground segment are able to meet the EPSSG E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements any inconsistencies and noncompliances need to be identified and resolved Support validation of products and verification of processing algorithms, specifically the cross comparison of products generated by the operational processors against output of reference processors Review and contribute to the preparation of algorithms specifications and product specifications to confirm and ensure their consistency with the System requirements and design documents Review space segment and instrument documents e.g. ATBD, DPM, Instrument Calibration and Characterization Specification to identify implications for the processing specifications of the operational processors. Assess implications ofcontributions by the processing algorithms to E2E performance requirements and contribute to the compilation and documentation of E2E performance budgets any noncompliance with the EPSSG System E2E performance requirements need to be identified and resolved review the adequacy of related tools for E2E performance modelling and, as needed, support development of complementary inhouse modelling tools Support regular reviews of System, Space Segment and Ground Segment documentation relevant for EPSSG data processing chains and E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements Participate in formal reviews and technical meetings at system and ground segment level Support preparation of documentation for System level reviews Support coordination of interdisciplinary meetings relevant for data processing chains Support studies internal or external and evaluate their results when relevant for data processing chains, including specification and validation of algorithms Consolidate the verification approach for System E2E performance requirements spectral, radiometric and geometric requirements and maintain the related verification matrix. The keyperson shall have the following experience and background University degree in the domain of engineering, science, or equivalent Direct involvement in the following areas, with at least 3 years of combined experience o Specification of level 1 algorithms for geolocation, spectral and radiometric correction and calibration and of level 2 geophysical algorithms, for spaceborne observation systems as imaging andor sounding instruments o Mission performance analysis, budgeting and verification for spaceborne observing systems as imaging andor sounding instruments. The following experience would be an additional asset Knowledge of relevant spaceborne observation instruments EPSSG satellites will embark sounders and imagers from the ultraviolet to the microwave range, a scatterometer and a radiooccultation instrument. The keyperson shall be able to fulfil the assigned tasks with a minimum of supervision, have a systematic approach to work, be able to plan hisher work and to cope with tight schedules and multiple tasks. Heshe shall have the capability to write accurate and consistent technical documentation. Good communication skills verbal and written are important. Heshe shall be willing to work in a team of engineers and in cooperation with industry and partner agencies. The working language for the position is English and therefore the keyperson must be able to work effectively in this language. Mandatory EU national or Valid work permit for Germany CV in Europass format

Tags: support performance processing instrument


Aster-Airport Engineering and Consultancy Services

2015-02-25 10:55:00| Airport Technology

Aster is an independent engineering firm that provides consultancy, systems engineering, design and supervision services. The company also supplies innovative technologies to governments, public auth...

Tags: services engineering consultancy engineering consultancy


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